ESG Chain combines the benefits of supply chain controls and non-financial compliance requirements. The comprehensive process connects all stakeholders. Connections within supply chains are identified, suppliers and customers linked to product streams and suppliers screened for non-compliance with ESG requirements on the web. This data driven approach was developed by the team standing behind ESG Chain specifically for the requirements of supply chain due diligence.
Value chain functionality ensures greatest usability and benefits for our customers. Successful supply chain management secures reliable supplier – customer relationships, maintains alternative suppliers and evaluates the non-financial impact of supply chains, non-financial including environmental, social and governance. ESG Chain screens suppliers and customers, and assesses risks associated with climate, seldom materials, poor labor conditions, supply chain disruptions and others.
The integrated sustainability model builds on 35+ ESG key issues, covering multiple areas of environmental, social and governance. The key issues comply with international and European standards. Adverse impacts are evaluated against these key issues and alerted to the members of the supply chain immediately.
State-of-the-art smart contracts technology enables supply chain automation. Supply chain due diligence is more than adding clauses to supplier and customer contracts. Efficient controls have to be enacted and supply chain managers have to fulfil audit, tracking, sanctioning and reporting requirements. Due diligence automation saves time and avoids mistakes from unstructured searches and actions.
Policies make sure organizations comply with standards and laws. Binding suppliers and customers to policies is common practice within supply chain compliance. Surveillance whether suppliers and customers bind themselves to corresponding clauses is a burdensome process, in particular, where there is no direct contractual relationship between them. Furthermore, aligning policies with supply chain compliance requirements is time-consuming as well. ESG Chain offers advanced contract interpretation and creation functionality to cover these issues.
New regulations require supply chains to execute due diligence and sanction measures. Due diligence contains research, identification, assessment, mitigation and tracking. These processes are outsourced to ESG Chain and repeated in multiple cycles even when employees are not available.
ESG Chain is not only a program, it also follows an ambition: Using ESG Chain enables SMEs to participate in international supply chains even under circumstances of enhanced due diligence requirements as provided for by CSDDD for companies in and out of scope. Entrance barriers can be overcome with only a few clicks and in a very cost-efficient manner.
And on top: ESG Chain is working with satellite experts, visualizing supply chains supported by satellite imagery.